Recovering Your Loss

Fractured Ribs Caused By A Car Accident Can Lead To Years Of Recovery

Car accidents can lead to medical expenses that can last for a lifetime. You might suffer from fractured ribs due to a car accident and be on a long road to recovery. The more ribs that are fractured, the more expensive your medical bills might be and the more diminished your ability to work will be.

The Outcome of the Accident

After the accident, you will likely need several treatments. For example, you might need to have fluids drained. Then, you might spend several days in the hospital. After you are out of the hospital, you will likely not be able to return to work for months until your body fully heals. 

Your Recovery

Even when you are able to return to work, you may not be able to work at the same capacity. Your ability to work will be based partially on how well your physical therapy goes. Also, you will likely need to participate in physical therapy for months. 

Lifelong Issues

You may continue to experience pain, a limited range of motion, and reduced function in other areas of your body. However, you will need to battle with the defense attorney of the defendant to prove that you are still injured, are unable to work, and need further treatment. You may be unable to enjoy the activities that you once enjoyed as well. Therefore, you should receive compensation. 

Your Settlement

Because your treatment can be ongoing, you might find yourself in a difficult situation. On one hand, you do not want to settle right away because you may not be able to settle for an amount that will cover all of your future costs and also cover your bills while you are not able to work. Fortunately, many personal injury attorneys are happy to pay for all your bills, medical and otherwise, until you are able to receive a settlement. Then, once you have received a settlement, your personal injury attorney will be reimbursed.

To make sure that your settlement is not too low, you'll want to make sure that you calculate all of the damages you have suffered. You'll want your settlement offer to be on the high-end but not so high that the insurance provider believes you are not serious. Then, your personal injury attorney will negotiate with the insurance provider and will try to win you the settlement you deserve. You will only take your case to court if there are no other options. Companies like Snyder & Wenner, P.C. can help you make those kinds of decisions.
