Recovering Your Loss

How A "No Contact" Motorcycle Accident Works

If a driver suddenly changes lanes, you may need to maneuver your motorcycle suddenly to avoid having an accident. Once you have done this, you might collide with something else, such as a telephone pole, and suffer injuries. You may believe that this is entirely your fault since you didn't collide with the other motorist, but this can often be considered the fault of the other driver.

Negligence and "No Contact" Accidents

A situation where a negligent action causes a motorcyclist to crash without hitting them directly is referred to as a "no contact" motorcycle accident. Negligence is any situation where an individual failed to exercise reasonable care.

If a reasonable person would take a particular action in this situation, but the motorist failed to take this action, and it led to another motorcyclist losing control and having an accident, the other party may be held responsible for the accident. Also, if a reasonable person would not have taken a particular action, taking the action would also be considered an act of negligence.

Sudden Lane Changes

In the case of a motorist changing lanes suddenly, the motorist is often a little ahead of the motorcycle and doesn't check his or her blind spot. Whether or not the driver will be responsible is based on if he or she signals his or her intention to change lanes either with a turn signal or with hand gestures. When a motorcycle is nearby, the motorist should take time when changing lanes to ensure that the motorcyclist doesn't speed up at the same time. 

Other Types of Accidents

With every other type of accident, the question is over who behaved negligently. If a motorist is negligent, he or she will be held responsible for the accident regardless of whether he or she collided with the other vehicle.

Proving Your Case

If you believe that you had an accident due to the negligence of another motorist, this can be difficult to prove. For one, the other motorist may have driven away because he or she did not collide with you. Also, you'll need to rely on the testimony of witnesses to prove that a motorist behaved in a negligent manner and caused your motorcycle accident. For this reason, it's important to work with a motorcycle accident attorney who has experience with no contact cases. Then you will be able to pursue compensation for any injuries or damage to your motorcycle. Contact a resource like The Lombardo Law Firm in order to learn more.
