Recovering Your Loss

Four Reasons You Wouldn't Have A Motorcycle Case On Your Hands

There are many cut and dry situations in which you have a motorcycle case on your hands. For example, a driver who has hit you due to not fault of your own. However, not all situations are this cut and dry. Proving fault and getting coverage for damages and injuries that have been caused by something else is no easy task. Here are four situations in which you probably don't have a case:

  1. Gravel Damages: Driving on gravel roads can definitely lead to damages on your motorcycle, but unfortunately, there is no one to blame here. The best thing to do would be to avoid roads like this. You should also avoid roads that have a ton of loose gravel as you can loose your control and possibly crash or fall off your bike, which can lead to injury. 
  2.  Wildlife Accidents: A deer comes out of nowhere and you lose control of your motorcycle. It's more common for a motorcyclist to suffer a great number of damages and injuries in this situation compared to a driver in a concealed vehicle. Unfortunately this is not something that you can file a motorcyclist claim for. You may have comprehensive coverage through your insurance that will cover it, but a motorcycle accident lawyer wouldn't be able to help you fight against whatever is being granted to you simply because there is no other person at fault for the situation. 
  3. Poor Product Design: If you have a motorcycle you have recently purchased that has a flaw in the design, but that hasn't actually caused an accident, then you can't make a claim in order to get a new bike. Instead, this is handled through the company in which the motorcycle is manufactured. 
  4. No Motorcycle Insurance: The problem with not having motorcycle insurance if you are in an accident that wasn't even your fault is that there is no money there to pay for the injuries and damages you have sustained in the first place. Unless you pay out of pocket for everything and then make a claim from here with proof of costs. However, this is a tough situation and you are much more likely to come out with better conditions and compensation awards if you yourself have insurance. 

These are just a few situations in which a motorcycle accident case would probably not be worth your time or even something you could pursue. Of course, if you aren't completely sure, you can always meet with a lawyer for a free consultation that will give you a better idea. Contact a law office like Gould Injury Law to learn more.
