Recovering Your Loss

Learn What To Do If Your Vehicle Is Hit By An Ambulance

If an ambulance hits your vehicle at a stop light, it can be hard to know what steps to take. There are many people who make the mistake of assuming that the situation will be easily resolved because it is a county vehicle. That is not the case at all though. There are many times when the insurance company for the county will fight to try to pay you as little as they can for the accident. The following guide walks you through a few things you can do to ensure that you are able to get compensated after the accident:

File an Accident Report

If the driver of the ambulance claims that they will make the report and have it sent to you, do not believe them. You need to call and have a police officer come and make the report right away. This will allow you to tell your side of the story and ensure that the accident is properly reported. Get the file number for the accident so that you can go to the precinct and get a copy of the report later in the week.

Take Your Vehicle to a Mechanic

You need to take your vehicle to a mechanic right away to determine how much damage was done to it. If you wait a few days to get the car looked at, the county can claim that the damage was caused somewhere else rather than at the accident that occurred with the ambulance. If you get the car looked at right away, there will be no way for them to question where the damage occurred. Get a written estimate for exactly what the repairs will cost. Be sure the estimate includes labor, parts, and painting costs.

Contact a Personal Injury Attorney

Do not make the mistake of talking directly to the insurance company of the county. They may get you to say something that will make it difficult for you to be compensated for the damage. Instead, hire a personal injury attorney. The attorney will be able to deal with the insurance company for you.

Your case may not end up going to court. There are many times when insurance companies choose to settle the cases out of court so that the accident does not have to be brought up in front of the public eye. This allows the county to save face and allows you to be compensated for the damage that was done during the accident.

Contact a company like Carlson Blau & Clemens SC for more information and assistance. 
