Recovering Your Loss

Safety And Other Tips For Bike Riders

If you ride a bike then you want to make sure you always follow the laws regarding riding a bike on the street. The laws for bicyclists can differ from state to state, so you want to make sure you are educated on what they are for the state you live and/or ride in. Here are some ways for you to decrease your chances of getting hit by a motorist while you are on your bike, as well as information on what to do if something does happen:

Always wear a helmet: It's important to wear a helmet while you are riding your bike. It's been proven that helmets can significantly decrease your chances of suffering a traumatic brain injury or even having a fatal accident if you should get hit by a vehicle. Never buy a used helmet or wear one that you don't know the history of. The reason for this is due to the fact that a helmet should be thrown out and replaced after taking a big hit.

Wear highly visible clothing: You want to make sure you wear clothing that makes it as easy as possible for drivers to see you. This clothing can change depending on the time of day as well as the weather. For example, if you are going to be riding your bike on the road during the daytime, then gray can cause you to blend in with the asphalt, making you harder to see. However, orange, red or other bright colors will make you easier to see. If you are riding your bike after a big snow, then white clothing will be a bad idea. At night, stay away from wearing all dark colors. At night, it is also very important for you to wear reflective clothing. You can wear a reflective vest, or buy reflective tape you can put on your helmet, your bike and even the back of your regular jacket.  

Put lights on your bike: Even if you only plan on riding your bike during the daytime, it's still a good idea for you to install a headlight and a taillight on the bike, just in case you find yourself surprised by darkness that arrives sooner than you anticipated, or you get held up for longer than you meant to.

What to do if you do get hit by a vehicle: If you do still end up getting hit by a car the first thing you want to do is to get out of the street if you aren't seriously injured. If you are, then it's best for you to lay still so you don't risk being paralyzed due to a spinal cord injury that you make worse by moving in an incorrect manner. Go in an ambulance to be on the safe side. If you are lucid, before the ambulance arrives you want to get the identity and contact details, as well as insurance information of the person that hit you. If you aren't up to it, ask a witness to do so. Also, you want to gather contact numbers for any witnesses. As soon as you feel up to it, you should make contact with a personal injury attorney, such as from Gelman Gelman Wiskow & McCarthy LLC.
