Recovering Your Loss

Danger On The Water

When it comes to the dangers of using alcohol and operating vehicles, the problems are not limited to the roads and highway. Operating boats while under the influence places occupants of the boat and everyone around them in danger, and this offense is considered just as serious as those that occur on the road. Read on to learn more.

Calling attention to the problem

Most people will recall the recent September 2016 tragedy on the water where Miami Marlin's pitcher Jose Fernandez was killed, along with two others. While it remains unclear who was really at the wheel of the boat when the fatal crash occurred, autopsies show that all three men had alcohol in their systems, and two of them had used cocaine before the crash. Reportedly, Fernandez was legally drunk at the time of the accident. The families of the two men are now suing the Fernandez estate.

Safe and sober boating saves lives

Just like on the roads, the use of alcohol or illegal drugs can slow reaction times, and boating accidents can occur in the blink of an eye. Boating is fun, no doubt about it, but when boaters take unnecessary risks, it put everyone in danger. Many boating accidents occur when drivers steer the boat into oncoming boats, docks, swimmers, or small watercraft. Boating under the influence is illegal and dangerous.

Safe boating awareness efforts

A joint partnership between the the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NABLA) and the U.S. Coast Guard is working to bring more awareness to the issue of impaired boating. Operation Dry Water uses media campaigns to bring this issue to the attention of citizens. In addition, time is spent each summer working with local authorities, such as fish and wildlife agencies, to enforce the impaired boating laws on major bodies of water.

Penalties for boating while impaired (BWI). The punishments are stringent, and vary from state to state. You can expect the punishments to be commiserate with highway DUI penalties in your state, however, such as fines and imprisonment. Additionally, you may lose your boat entirely through seizure and even lose your right to a driver's license in some cases.

If you or someone you love is the victim of an impaired boat operator, seek help from a personal injury attorney as soon as possible. While the arrest of the impaired driver for criminal charges of BWI is likely, you also have a right to be compensated for your loss and damages through civil channels. 
