Recovering Your Loss

4 Tips To Make Sure You Don't Get Scammed In An Auto Accident

Just about every driver will be involved in an auto accident at some point in their life. Even if you're the best driver on the road, you still have other drivers to worry about. But what about drivers that aren't exactly trying to avoid an accident? Unfortunately, automobile accident scams are on the rise. Here's what you should do if you suspect your accident may be part of a scam.

1. Be aware of common scams. Obviously, if you've been in an accident, it's too late to avoid these schemes. But you can be aware of them so you know if your accident falls into one of the common ones. The "swoop and squat," where one driver cuts in front of you and immediately slams on the brakes, may be the most common. Also watch out for what's called the "drive down" where another driver waves you into a lane or into a turn, immediately hits you, then denies motioning you to move.

2. Watch out for "helpful" people. If someone involved in the accident or someone passing by the accident scene recommends a specific lawyer, doctor, or towing company, be very wary of this advice. They may be out to recruit business for that company.

3. Call the police and take lots of photos immediately. Taking plenty of photos and calling law enforcement are both things you should do in any car accident. But they're even more important if you think your accident could be a scam. Having photographic evidence immediately after an incident makes it much more difficult for someone to go back after the fact and damage their car further in an attempt to collect a larger settlement.  The same goes for having police on the scene immediately.

4. Don't go with a tow company you didn't call. It's one of the most common auto accident scams: a tow truck driver just happens to by passing by the accident scene, and offers to help get you back on your way quickly. You let them take your car, and you're hit with an exorbitant bill later. Your insurance company may not cover this bill, leaving you on the hook. In addition, some people operating this scam use the information collected at the scene (your name, address, license information, etc.) for identity theft. If you didn't call a towing company, don't use their services.

Of course, your best action in a situation like this is to hire legal representation. An auto accident attorney like Diane Parsons car accident lawyer in Toronto, has likely seen every scam in the book, and knows how to recognize them. They know exactly how to handle a case like this to make sure you don't get taken advantage of.
